Occupational Therapy Assistant

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Choose a Career in Occupational Therapy

March 29, 2012

There are many non-profit organizations and charity homes in most of the countries that take care of the less fortunate.

occupational therapy assistant

There are many people in the world who are born with some kind of physical or mental handicap. Not all of them are also gifted with generous parents who will take care of them till the end.

There are many special schools and home for these special children. It is a very noble service done by many organizations across the globe.

Actually a branch of discipline in the Medicine field has been developed for this purpose and it is called occupational therapy. occupational therapy schools assist those unfortunate children and adults with disabilities and difficulties.

They help them lead a full, satisfying and independent life to the extent they can.

occupational therapy schools

It has been found that about one third of the occupational therapists in the world work with small children at the schools.

It is difficult for the parents of...

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